Wednesday 29 April 2015

39 Free Test Bank for Marketing Planning and Strategy 1st Edition by Jain 

It is sure that you will be really into testing with many free effective useful online marketing test bank questions and full answers to get all of contents from this text book by Free Test Bank for Marketing and Strategy 1st Edition by Jain. With this test bank, you will be able to anticipate the type of the questions that will appear in your exam, reduce the hassle and stress of your student life, improve your studying and also get a better grade, get prepared for examination questions, and save you time. There are 39 mutiple choice questions below to support firstly for all you. Don’t miss all of test bank questions about marketing to be professional then.
Please visit the link below to get full questions and answers:
Optimising some functions instead of the whole company is _________ for exhibiting superior corporate performance.
The marketing decision-making approach that directs us to develop our product offering - and our entire marketing program - to meet the needs of our customer base is the _________ approach.
In the 1990s, Procter & Gamble reorganised along the category lines because:
In its strategic role, marketing consists of establishing a match between the _________ and its _________.
Procter & Gamble divided its business into 39 categories under which:
As the global financial crisis (GFC) hit in 2008, executives shifted their focus to:
Many firms pursue growth internally through the _________ effort.
In its strategic role, marketing establishes a:
All SBUs must have:
The guiding force behind decision making should be:
Any organisation needs strategy when:
Companies find planning useful in all of the following ways, except:
Planning should cause:
Managing strategic planning for focus and flexibility requires:
Planning should:
Business ecosystem refers to:
In 2010, IBM focuses on which three things?
Strategic planning should not:
Which of the following is not a prerequisite to do well in strategic planning?
Future planning is also known as _________ planning.
Successful planning requires:
Telstra started a self-renewal process in 2010 which included:
The philosophy of _________ planning has its foundation in operations research.
Planning perspectives develop in response to needs that arise:
Strategic planning emerging perspectives include:
Which of the following is not a reason for doing strategic planning?
_________ levels of aggregation make SBUs identical to product/market segments that may lack ‘strategic autonomy’.
_________ considers future changes in areas of importance to a company and tries to assess the impact of these changes on company operations.
The planning process:
In an analysis of three different philosophies of planning, Ackoff established the following three labels.
The trend of technological changes will _________ in the future.
While planning is admittedly complex, successful planning systems do have some fundamental characteristics. Which of the following is not one of these?
Responsibility for planning lies with the:
McKinsey & Company, an international consulting firm, identify five global forces and trends that have forced strategic marketers to question their current assumptions as they change the opportunities and the challenges that confront both Australian and global companies. Which one of the below is not one of these?
According to Hewlett-Packard’s former CEO Carly Fiorina, the role of CEO in strategy is to:

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