Tuesday 14 April 2015

40 Free Test Bank for International Marketing 3rd Edition by Lascu 

It is totally a lot of free online useful marketing textbook test bank by practicing easily for supporting your course. To get full of understanding about international marketing with Free Test Bank for International Marketing 3rd Edition by Lascu. All of free exam questions provide an in- depth analysis of international marketing, adopting a strategic, applications – oriented approach to country, and region – specific environments. You will improve effectively your marketing knowledge by many type of questions in test bank which appear in your exam. Moreover, it do is great with 100% free for your online practice to pass your exam in 40 mutiple choice useful questions below now.
Kindly go to the link below to get full questions and answers:
Recently, privatization in countries where government monopolies have dominated for decades has made it possible for multinationals to compete in each of the following industries EXCEPT:
When a company believes that domestic strategies, techniques, and personnel are superior to foreign ones it is using a(n):
The EPRG Framework of international orientation stands for:
When doing business in Latin America, a good marketing manager knows that:
"Individuals' conscious or unconscious reference to their own national culture, to home-country norms, values, as well as to their knowledge and experience, in the process of making decisions in the host country" is the definition of:
Firms where top management adopts a geocentric orientation perceive the world:
Which of the following approaches to international marketing involvement best describes a company that coordinates activities across different countries or regions?
When consumers traveling abroad demand brands that may not be available in the home-country market and retailers convey this information up the distribution chain to wholesalers, they demonstrate:
High domestic product development costs:
Firms with a polycentric orientation are guided by a:
Eli Lilly is a(n):
An example of psychological obstacle to internationalization is
Companies view world regions as distinct markets that share economic, political, and/or cultural traits such that they would be viable candidates for a regionwide marketing approach.
Nike, on the average, spends close to a year to develop, test, and manufacture new product designs that then last on the shelves in the United States for about:
Generation X consumers in the United States and in Southeast Asia:
In which type of marketing does a firm have the least commitment to international marketing?
At which stage of the product life cycle is a firm most likely to move manufacturing operations and facilities abroad?
Which of the following is a technique used by members of the World Trade Organization to restrict trade to bypass traditional barriers to trade not permitted by the WTO?
When Ford stopped making the Escort look different in every market and moved to an identical look for all markets, it moved from a polycentric strategy to this kind of strategy.
The cigarette industry is either in the late maturity stage, or in the decline stage in industrialized countries. By entering emerging markets where cigarettes are in the growth stage, the industry is
Firms that view international markets solely as markets where they could unload excess production have a(n):
When a company from the United States exporting products to multiple countries in the European Union only has to go through customs once, this is an example of:
Uniform consumer segments:
A subsidiary of a company from the United States incorporated in any country of the European Union is:
Which type of marketing best describes a company’s approach to international marketing if the company is present in different countries with sales offices, subsidiaries, or is an active partner in strategic alliances with local companies and that does not coordinate activities across the different countries or regions.
Which type of marketing involves marketing activities across different countries without focusing primarily on national or regional segmentation?
Example(s) of obstacles to internationalization can be:
The FIRST step to minimizing the impact of the self-reference criterion is:
The firm is most likely to have an ethnocentric orientation when it engages in ____.
The improved telecommunications in Burundi is an example of:
The product life cycle:
An important outcome of the transition of the former Eastern Bloc countries to a market economy is:
Firms with a geocentric orientation:
Firms with a regiocentric orientation are guided by a:
Which of the following are advantages of uniform consumer segments worldwide?
Colgate's development of Axion paste for washing dishes for its Latin American market and its later deployment in some European countries is an example of:
Which of the following is NOT a formal method used by national governments to restrict or impede entrance of international firms in the local market?

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