Sunday 12 April 2015

50 Free Test Bank for Advertising and Integrated Brand Promotion 6th Edition by OGuinn

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Please visit the link below to get full questions and answers:
A brand of soup is perceived by consumers as a “good deal,” one that provides a certain level of comfort and satisfaction that goes well beyond just the money it takes to purchase a few cans. In this way, the soup is said to have
It is evident that firms have not fully exploited all the opportunities that ____ marketing has to offer via communication through devices like smartphones and digital tablet-like devices.
Market segmentation is the process of
When national companies and local merchants share advertising expenses, they are taking part in ____ advertising.
Products that signify a certain class membership for those who purchase them—or hope to purchase them—are said to carry a certain level of ____ with their name and brand.
The attempt to develop brand awareness and preference over time, as well as emphasize the benefits of using that brand is called
Public service announcements (PSAs)
A greeting card manufacturer runs a commercial indicating that people who receive greeting cards appreciate them much more when they see its company name on the back. This is an example of a company focusing on
During the NCAA championships, a national sports equipment manufacturer runs an edgy, fast-paced commercial featuring a well-known hip hop artist. A group of guys watching in a fraternity house seem to interpret the commercial in roughly the same way. When members of an audience share a similar interpretation of an ad like this, it is most likely the result of the
A critic of advertising tells you that the costs of advertising are built into the costs for products, which are then passed on to the consumer. You have decided to argue the issue. You can make many points, but which argument should you not present?
A manufacturer creates massive demand for its new plastic sandal and greatly increases its production level. Over time, its high-volume production brought on by demand stimulation results in lower costs. This is an example of
A marketer has been given the task of monitoring all the elements of the marketing mix for a large Oregon winery. He has many responsibilities, but one aspect that he is not concerned with is the ____ of the winery’s products.
For a communication to be classified as advertising, which of the following criteria does not have to be met?
As the holidays approach, corporate advertising is placed in a trade channel by large retailers such as JCPenney, Macy’s, Sears, and Dillard’s.Their main objective is to get people into their stores and get into the mood to shop rather than to look for a particular item or brand. This is an example of ____ advertising.
The advertising aimed at government officials and bureaucrats who have big budgets to spend usually centers around
What are the two major components of the mass-mediated communication model, each representing a somewhat independent process?
Which of the following is the result of a company creating a brand extension?
Integrated brand promotion (IBP) is
The advertising for a snow blower points out a brand’s unique benefits compared to the snow blowers offered by the competition. This is known as
KidsCause, a metropolitan outreach organization that collects and donates toys for needy children, buys airtime on WXXY (a local TV station) to promote its annual toy collection. Amazing Ads, a local ad agency, shoots the video and produces the 30-second commercial and Downtown Deli donates sandwiches for volunteers on the days they collect, wrap, and distribute toys. In this promotional effort, who is the client?

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